Does Caring For Your Employees Pay!


All too often, small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs), unlike many major companies, fail to recognise that health and wellbeing in the workplace is central to a productive and happy workforce.

This is certainly something that I hear more of at the numerous business networking events and conferences that I attend, and indeed during one-to-one “health-checks” I conduct with businesses. Furthermore, many businesses simply do not have the resources or the skills to spot health related issues or how these often affect employee’s performance at work, not to mention the impact that these have on bottom-line.

The average London business of 250 employees loses around £4,800 per week, or some £250,000 each year due to sickness absence. Nationally, 10% of UK’s GNP is lost due to job related stress and only I in 10 companies have an official mental health policy in place. Some of the most common reasons for absences include mental health, musculo-skeletal conditions, and minor illnesses, such as colds and flu.

We have teamed up with Brunel University and the Health Committee of the Greater London Authority (GLA) to build on what is already known about employee wellbeing. In particular, we will undertake research to explore the perspectives and experiences about, and the facilitators and barriers to, enhancing health and wellbeing among a diverse range of SMEs.

Ash Verma with Dr Onkar Sahota, Chair GLA, Health Committee and Alison Davies, COO, Enterprise Wellness.

We will produce a report for various governmental and business bodies by April 2019, as a vehicle for building greater momentum on employee health and wellbeing issues and co-design innovative policy and practice solutions for SMEs. Solutions that will help businesses to better manage sickness and related absences and provide employees with a step-by-step guide to introducing policies and practices for creating a happy workforce.

Contact me if your business would like to participate in this research.